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Züger Frischkäse AG has passed on its knowledge of meticulous cheese production from generation to generation of the same family over many decades. The great-great grandfather of the current owners Christof and Markus Züger was alreadya passionate cheesemaker back in 1850.

It was the defining idea of the company's founder Edwin Züger to focus on the less well-known soft cheese production rather than more traditional cheese varieties. He developed the necessary product knowledge and production methods during various periods spent abroad. Back in Switzerland, father Züger bought the first litres of cow’s milk with which he went on to produce high-quality Swiss mozzarella.

After an intensive and protracted period of development, the first Züger mozzarella was ready for the market in 1984. It wasn’t long before it became clear just how crucial a step this was for the company, as soft cheese products were on the rise and enjoying ever greater popularity.

With their innovative spirit and entrepreneurial drive, Christof and Markus Züger have shaped the firm’s more recent history. Under their management, the company has tapped into new export markets, developed new specialties like grilling cheese, and launched various convenience products. The purely operational, production-related and ecological development of the company has kept pace with the innovations on the product side – always with clear acknowledgement of the importance of Oberbüren as a production base.


Edwin and Markus Züger developed their mozzarella production in Niederbüren.


Move to the new factory in Oberbüren.


Range expanded to include organic products.


Züger Frischkäse AG founded.


Coagulator commissioned.


The Zügers create and patent heart-shaped mozzarella.


Export market established.


Buttery commissioned.


Innovation Paneer barbecue cheese.


Construction of high-bay warehouse and expansion of production.


Wood chip boiler commissioned.


Convenience products introduced, such as feta-style cheese with olives and herbs.


Expansion and automation of production.


New cottage cheese system installed.


Kisslegg and Hawangen factories commissioned.


Solar plant commissioned with an annual output of approx. 450,000 kWh.